Monday, August 3, 2009

Why the blog? What about the beer?

Hi and welcome to my blog, "About the beer".

I am building this to share my experience brewing, but the even that is pushing me to do this NOW, is that I won the Sam Adams Patriot Home Brew competition in 2009 and I'm going through all the hoopla involved in winning. No doubt about it, it is fun! And I'm having so much fun that I want to share it with my friends and family, and maybe other folks out there who like good beer.

A lot of this will come across as "bragging", and OK, some of it probably is. I keep telling people that after hearing all the complements about my winning beer (an Oatmeal stout) that I won't be able to get my head through the door. But at the same time, this is something to be shared and savored, and it is my 15 minutes of fame. Most of all though, I'm really proud of making a beer that has achieved such success. I hope the fans at Gillette Stadium enjoy drinking it as much as I enjoyed creating it.

But I also brew for fun and friends, and I'm going to talk about that as well, particularly when the whole Patriots thing is over. So I hope you enjoy it, I know I will!


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